The Library
Here is a collection of materials which I feel are of value to the serious student of Occultism. These materials were edited and converted to PDF by myself and others in order to ensure they remain available and in good editions. I shall continue to add materials as they are completed. All texts are public domain under International and Canadian copyright laws.
A wider collection of my own work both formal essays and my Occult Blog are available.
100: General Occult
110: General
110-1: Gilles de Rais (Aleister Crowley) AKA The Banned Lecture (26k)
110-2: Polytheism in a Monotheistic Cosmology (Greg Wotton) (12K)
110-3: Liber 31 (Frater Achad) (233K)
120: The Western Mystery Tradition
120-1: Esoteric Orders and their Work (Dion Fortune) (180K)
190: Occult Fiction
190-1: The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (Dion Fortune) (703K)
200: Spirituality
210: General
220: Yoga
220-1: Eight Lectures on Yoga (Aleister Crowley) (202k)
230: Ethics
300: Magic
310: General
320: Theory
320-1: A Mystery of the Pentalpha (Greg Wotton) (5k)
320-2: Every Man and Every Woman is a Star (Greg Wotton) (14k)
320-3: The Anatomy of the Body of God (Frater Achad) (1.4m)
330: Evokation and Hymns
330-1: 31 Hymns to the Star Goddess (Frater Achad) (164k)
340: Ritual
350: Classic Texts
350-1: Ars Notoria (Trans. Robert Turner) (985k)
350-2-4: The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy (Cornelius Agrippa) (237k)
350-3: Arbatel of Magick (Trans. Robert Turner) (254k)
350-4: Lemegeton (Grimoir)
350-4-1: Book I: The Goetia (Trans. S.L.M. Mathers) (616k)
350-4-2: Book II: Thurgia Goetia (Trans. Sloane) (920k)
350-4-3: Book III: The Pauline Art (Trans. Sloane) (351k)
350-4-4: Book IV: Ars Almadel (Trans. Sloane) (96k)
350-4-5: Book V: The Ars Nova (Trans. Sloane) (103k)
350-5: The Greater Key of Solomon (Trans. S.L.M. Mathers)
400: Hermetics
410: General
410-1: The Kybalion (Three Initiates) (258k)
420-1: The Emerald Tablet of Hermes (Hermes Trismegistus.) (24k)
420-2: The Heptameron (Peter de Abano) (251k)
430: Rosicrucianism
430-1: An Address to the Rosicrucian Order (W.W. Westcott) (15k)
430-2: Fama Fraternitatis (33k)
430-3: The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (547k)
430-4: The Declaratio Lucis (96k)
430-5: The Confessio Fraternitatis (53k)
440: Qabalah
500: Enochian
600: Astrology
610: General
610-1: On Astronomical Geomancy (Gerard Cremonesis) (170k)
700: Inner Work
710: General
710-1: Of Geomancy (Cornelius Agrippa) (474k)
710-2: Crystal Vision through Crystal Gazing (Frater Achad) (270k)
720: Tarot
720-1: The Egyptian Revival (Frater Achad) (236k)
720-2: An Introduction to the study of Tarot (Paul Foster Case) (166K)
720-3: The Book of Tokens (Paul Foster Case) (194K)
Highlights of Tarot by Paul F. Case (External HTML)
730: Ye King
740: Cartomancy
740-1: A French Method of Fortune Telling by Playing Cards (A.E. Waite) (52k)
800: Religion
810: General
820: Thelema
820-1: The Book of the Law (55k)
830: Judaism
830-1-1: The Legends of the Jews: Volume I (Louis Ginzberg) (508k)
830-1-2: The Legends of the Jews: Volume II (Louis Ginzberg ) (447k)
830-1-3: The Legends of the Jews: Volume III (Louis Ginzberg ) (566k)
830-1-4: The Legends of the Jews: Volume IV (Louis Ginzberg ) (518k)
860: Paganism
900: Charts and Worksheets
910: General
920: Tarot
920-1 Occult Attributions of the Tarot Keys and Paths (Coloured) (63K)
920-1-1 Occult Attributions of the Tarot Keys and Paths (B&W) (63K)
920-2 Additional Attributions of the Tarot Keys and Paths (50K)
920-3 Low Res Cube of Space (585K)
920-3-1 High Res Cube of Space (3.8M)
920-4 Tarot Tableau Arrangement (976K)
920-20 Incarnatory Tableau (9K)
930: Qabalah
930-1 Coloured Tree of Life (1.8M)
Disclaimer and Copyright
All materials on this page are either used by permission of the author or, in the case of deceased authors, are in the Public Domain according to Canadian Copyright Law. Section 6 of the Canadian Copyright Act (C-42) states:
The term for which copyright shall subsist shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, be the life of the author, the remainder of the calendar year in which the author dies, and a period of fifty years following the end of that calendar year.(R.S., 1985, c. C-42, s. 6; 1993, c. 44, s. 58.)
Other provisions exist for publications where the author or one of the authors is unknown. They do not apply here.
The relevant section can be examined at the Copyright Board of Canada.